Shortage of Francophone teachers

Groupe d'enseignantes et enseignants.

The shortage of teachers in Ontario is affecting Francophone school boards in particular and the problem is only getting worse. The AFOCSC is actively participating in the consultations and working groups that are taking place in Ontario regarding the teacher shortage in collaboration with the Association des enseignantes et enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO), the Association des conseils scolaires des écoles publiques de l’Ontario (ACÉPO) and the Ontario Ministry of Education. Without quick and concrete action, this shortage directly affects the survival of French-language school boards. With these partners, AFOCSC contributed to the Working Group on the shortage of teachers in the French-language education system in the province, which submitted a report to the Ministry of Education in February 2021. Concrete solutions have been presented; now is the time to act. The AFOCSC supports all strategies that will be implemented for the recruitment, retention and training of French language teachers in Ontario.

How can we help?

Facilitate now the implementation and funding of programs, initiatives and incentives to begin to reduce the effects of the shortage of French teachers in Ontario.

Reference Materials:

Coming soon