Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of the presidents of the eight member school boards or their delegate. The sponsoring bishop, the student advisor and the executive director of the association also sit on the board. Only regular members have voting rights.

Members of the Board

Robert Demers
President AFOCSC
CSC Providence

Johanne Lacombe
Vice-president AFOCSC
CEC Centre-Est

Monsignor Marcel Damphousse
Responding Bishop
Archbishop of Ottawa-Cornwall

Roger Grégoire
CSCD Grandes Rivières

Ronald Demers
CSC Franco-Nord

Dominique Janssens
CSC MonAvenir

Jacques Héroux
CSDC Est ontarien

Claudette Gleeson
CSDC Aurores boréales

Suzanne Salituri
CSC Nouvelon

Yves Lévesque
Executive Director of the AFOCSC


The AFOCSC is governed by bylaws that are adopted at the Annual General Meeting. The bylaws on this site were adopted on September 12, 2020.

By-laws revised and adopted on September 12, 2020 (PDF - French document)